I really enjoy using Tandem to practice speaking and writing in foreign languages. If anyone is wanting to brush up on a foreign language, I highly recommend it.
Surfing this morning. Woot! It was a little chilly out there, but still worth it. This is one positive thing the COVID situation has brought me: I’ve been surfing a lot more since everything else closed down (including working and schooling from home).
I was just reading about some craziness that went on over on Twitter. The “cancel culture” stuff needs to stop, or at least cool it a bit. I wish people were allowed to be less than perfect and the mob wasn’t so quick to jump onto the guilt-by-association train.
I stumbled across this photo I took at the British Museum in June 2019. My wife and I had tickets to take our kids to London and Paris over Christmas/New Year. But, everything was canceled due to COVID. I am mostly supportive of virus-suppression efforts, but I am still bummed.
I went on a crazy hike a few days ago. 4500 ft climb within about 4 miles. There was more or less no trail after about a mile. Lots of cacti and agave to try to avoid along the way.
I am still nursing some sore muscles and cactus wounds :)